Quotes from The Magic of Manifesting Money

The truth is, an abundance of money is available to everyone from every walk of life. 

We have the power to create an entirely different world for ourselves. Whether you want more money, more prosperity, or whatever strikes you, it’s all there to be received. 

Money was still present, despite it not physically being in my bank account. It was just hidden in the opportunities available to me. 

“What positives can I take from this situation?” and “Where is the opportunity that came from those meetings?” 

The fact is that you don’t need to go out and ‘‘make’’ money. What you need to do instead is “allow” it to come to you. 

If you’re unable to radiate perceived value in your service, product, or offer, no amount of actual value will get through to the customer or client, therefore, they won’t pay you the money. 

In order to create perceived value, you need to understand people’s desires. This is what drives the flow of money and exchange. 

Through the power of choice, we can choose to perceive another reality that is just as valid as the one we choose to ignore. 

Even in the worst of times, you have a choice. 

When it comes to money, you can always choose to focus what is already existing in another version of your reality. This isn’t about creating wealth in your life. It’s about shifting your focus to the wealth that is already present in your life. 

Focus is what matters. Choice is how we exercise focus, and this moves us into different realities that already exist. Manifestation is simply a process of exercising our choice to move into these infinite realities and realizing all the positives and negatives inherent in each reality. 

Wealth is the recognition that you have an abundance of resources at your disposal. Choosing to live in this reality will inevitably open your eyes to opportunities, partnerships, and people that contain within them hidden money miracles. 

In order to manifest a reality, you have to vibrate at its resonant frequency. When you do this with your desired one, synchronicities and opportunities start to show up. It will be unexpected, hidden, and often very difficult to recognize. This is why awareness and focus is so important. If you’re focused on your desired manifestations, you’ll notice them when they appear. 

Limiting beliefs will create a limited reality. These internal beliefs will constantly be reinforced because of what’s being confirmed in external reality. This is why breaking free of this momentum is so difficult. Once you start thinking limitlessly, your reality will test you. It will reflect back to you the beliefs and vibrations of your old identity. 

“We are kept from our goals, not by obstacles, but by a clear path to a lesser goal.” – Robert Breault 

There are three specific roadblocks that stop you from harnessing the true power of manifestation. These are: Negative emotions, Scarcity mindset and Old patterns. 

You have the power to choose a new reality that no longer resonates with the old ones you’ve experienced. Your identity is flexible for change and not permanent to one way of being. 

If you start thinking big and feeling abundant, most people around you will start to question your beliefs because it questions theirs. 

Focus on moving up the emotional scale one step at a time and don’t ignore or think of negative emotions as being invalid. Instead, accept them and work to reduce their degree by consciously choosing to feel better. Aim for just one emotional feeling notch above what you feel and slowly work your way up. 

The money you need is already here. All you need to do is align yourself with the possibility of you manifesting what money can bring you. You don’t need to know about the how, what, where, and when just yet. 

Instead of trying to convince your mind to think differently, try proving to it that what you want to accomplish is possible. You can only do this by stepping into the unknown. If you’re constantly in the known, you will only be showing your brain what it already knows, and thus nothing will change. 

If you’re completely happy with who you are and are living the life you want, would you ever think about money or the lack of it? 

All the fears that you have regarding money are simply an illusion. These fears have been ingrained deeply into your subconscious mind, and are dictating your perception of reality. 

What we truly want is not the money, but the freedom that it gives us. In order to tap into the vibration of abundance, we need to start tuning into freedom. Tap into the vibration of freedom and you will start noticing more freedom in the form of money coming your way. 

The underlying idea behind the abundant mindset is to recognize that everything you’re ever going to need is available for you right here and right now. This is why living in the present moment is so essential. 

If you keep waiting for things to change, you’re not creating. If you’re not creating, then things aren’t changing. When you allow yourself to fully embrace your limitless potential to create your own reality, this is when the magic starts to happen. 

Your job is to do your best with the things you have been given. No matter how small, you always have something to build on. This is the essence of the abundant mindset. When you get down to it, it’s also about believing that you have a lot of things to build on and are never lacking resources. 

Bring your focus to what’s available to you right now rather than what’s missing. 

Your destination awaits you. Start your journey with what you have and the universe will thank you with dividends for appreciating what it has given to you. 

The money you want is there for you to receive, thanks to the wonders of the quantum field. However, in order to align with the reality you want, you need to become the person that is in a vibrational match with it. 

Your aim is to match vibrationally with what it is you desire. When you operate at the new frequency and practice your new habits, your new paradigms will be reinforced in your mind. 

The money you desire is here, waiting for you to allow it to come into your life. Your job is to shift your paradigm and match with it vibrationally. By doing this, you’ll effortlessly align with the idea of it and attract it into your life. 

When we want something desperately, we make the mistake of chasing it and trying to force it to come to us. 

Forcefully pushing yourself towards your desires is only going to distract you from what’s really important, the process. All of life is a journey and the goal itself is nowhere near as important as what you undertake to achieve it. 

Allowing is extremely powerful because you become more receptive to alternative routes toward where you want to go. Manifestations come from the unknown. In other words, from a pool of infinite possibilities. 

Be open to any detours or delays. Trust that everything is conspiring to help you towards your dream. 

Detach it from sense of self-worth. Treat it as an equal and you will find it flowing to you with more ease. 

There are an infinite amount of ways to generate money, and you have more than enough within you to make it happen in your life. 

Remember that you’re not in control of your reality, you’re only in control of how you respond to it. 

Experience is momentary, therefore, wanting more money to fill a need from the past or in the future is flawed thinking. This will always keep you wanting more and never being satisfied enough to appreciate your life experience. 

New experiences will always come from the unknown. It won’t be easy to let go of everything and step into the darkness.Dropping all external expectations for how you should be living is the number one key to getting into alignment with what you want out of life. 

Prosperity and money can come to us in a million ways. We cannot possibly know the permutations and combinations that lie ahead of us. Only the infinite knows that. 

There are an infinite number of ways in which money can come to you. Attaching yourself to one particular vision or expectation thus removes this infinite possibility from your life. 

So let go of the need for one particular outcome to manifest and instead allow the universe to give you what you desire. 

The universe ensures you’re prepared for what you want by wanting you to vibrationally match the experience first. This is how the universe works. You must emit a vibration that fits in accordance to the physical reality you want to experience. 

If you want money in your life, you need to already feel rich. If you wish to meet your special soulmate, you need to already be in love. 

If you want the universe to give you the big things, you need to appreciate it when it gives you the little things too. 

Stagnate energy will keep you stuck. For you to make more money, you cannot be afraid of letting it go. If you are afraid of letting it go, you’ve either built an attachment to the money itself or you fear losing it. 

Focus on your roots, and your height will come with time. 

The very fact that you find obstacles annoying to overcome indicates that you aren’t enjoying the process. 

Patience is a huge sign of abundance. If you dig a little deeper, you’ll understand why. When you’re patient, you’re expressing your belief that everything is happening according to the universe’s plans for you and that everything will take as long as it needs to take. 

When you struggle against your external world by expressing impatience, you’re building resistance within your reality. 

Dig a little deeper and you will notice that it isn’t the external that is causing problems, but rather the internal judgment of those external events that is creating suffering within you. 

The universal feedback loop is merely a reflection of what’s going on within you. Change yourself from within, and the change outside of you will follow.

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